
How Do I Choose New Windows?

Windows are an integral part of your house and play an important visual and practical role – they can add architectural interest, enhance energy efficiency, increase the value of your home, and literally protect and light up the inside of your home.

window replacement lancaster pa

Whether you need to replace your current windows because they’re old, cracked, or drafty, or you’re looking to invest in new generation of quality, energy efficient windows that will help better insulate, save energy dollars, as well as add to the security and visual appeal of your home – with so many options, how do you choose the right windows?

Here are different materials, styles, and configurations to consider when looking for the right windows for your home:


Vinyl frame windows offer modern style, affordable luxury, are less expensive, and tend to have a longer life span and are easy to maintenance.

However, they come in a limited color range, which can restrict style options.


Wooden frames are typically more expensive, requiring higher maintenance, but are sought after due to their timeless look and universal appeal that can add more charm and resale value to your home.

Double-Hung Windows

The most popular window in the U.S., they offer classic lines, with two sliding sashes that open vertically and tilt inward for easy cleaning.  Designed to be opened from the top or bottom, these windows are great for hard-to-reach areas, and are generally the most inexpensive.

Casement Windows

Offer full top-to-bottom ventilation, opening outward to allow fresh air inside; cranks are used to open and close, so you can open them with just one hand.  And they are a popular choice above kitchen sinks, or anywhere where it’s harder to reach.

Tilt-Out Windows

Also known as tile and turn or tilting windows, they fold in or out to reveal the glass’s exterior, which allows it to be cleaned from inside your home.  These windows are great for areas where exterior accessibility is limited, but are typically pricier than standard double-hung windows.

Slider Windows

Slider windows offer a sleek, contemporary profile, with the single pane and large width allowing in plenty of light, and a better view of the outdoors. They glide open smoothly and easily.


Also known as double glazed windows, they are a popular choice due to their energy saving ability.  Double-pane glass features an airtight space that acts as a barrier between the outside weather conditions and the house temperature, which helps with climate control, and in a properly sealed home can save on utility costs. 

Double-pane glass is generally available in different encasements at a higher cost.

Sound Control Windows

If you live in areas affected by heavy traffic, police sirens, etc., soundproof windows may be your answer.  These noise reduction windows are essentially inserts installed behind your existing window, adding up to 4 inches of dead, sound-reducing air between the principal window and the new interior window.

Also, there are manufacturers of high-end, dual-pane windows that are 1-¼-inch-thick, as well as noise reduction windows with three layers of glass to help you achieve some of the best sound control.

Grille Marks

Decorative grilles divide a window into panes, adding a charming architectural detail. Here, grilles are sandwiched between double panes of glass; they look just as attractive as standard panes, but they are much easier to clean and maintain.

For added craftsman chic, appeal and interest to a large area of glass, consider Prairie-style grilles, and match windows and patio doors.

Custom Windows

If you have a scenic landscape, make the most of it with big statement windows.  Consult with a window specialist who will help guide your design decisions to capture the optimum light and best views.

High Performance Glass Windows  

Depending on your environment as well as your budget, you may want to look into the high performance specialty glass, such as: triple pane windows for added comfort and energy savings; impact-resistant windows for areas of extreme weather conditions; tinted glass for reducing the UV rays, sun’s glare and heat; or windows with shades built between the glass for an added touch of modern style.  

What is your style?  Take time to select windows that are style-appropriate, so they don’t end up looking out of character.

It’s never been easier to save money and energy by replacing old windows with quality replacement windows, so you can lower your household energy bill as well as energy consumption, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and your home’s carbon footprint.

Are you ready to invest in new windows, which will not only increase your home’s value but also provide more visual appeal, safety and comfort to you and your family?

For experienced and affordable window contractors, Lancaster PA and replacement windows, and other quality handyman services, call Home One today to see how we can make your home more beautiful and comfortable: 717.581.3474.

Or, simply request a service or an estimate right here!