
Springerize Your Home With Our 12 Home Maintenance Tips

Springerize Your Home

Each season your home goes through a number of changes – in weather conditions and temperatures, aging process, and of course wear and tear!  In order to keep everything in your home running smoothly, and to avoid costly repairs later, it’s recommended to conduct maintenance steps each season.  Here are our top recommendations:

    1. Inspect your roof.  Whether you have shingles, tin or even concrete tiles, your roof is your home’s first line of defense against water damage.  As spring starts to arrive, we should inspect and repair any water damage.  If you delay, you could find yourself facing water damage inside your home, too.
    2. Clean your gutters.  Gutters direct rain away from your roof and home, protecting both in the process.  Clogged gutters, meanwhile, open your home to water damages – and there’s a good chance you won’t notice the damage until it’s too late.
    3. Clean decks, driveways, fences and other outside surfaces, with a pressure washer if possible (much easier and more effective).  Fix cracks in your walks, driveway and the outside of your home.  Unlike the human body, cracks in asphalt, concrete or stucco don’t heal themselves.  Fortunately, most of these repairs are fairly easy if done immediately and properly.
    4. Check seals around windows and doors.  Winter weather can crack and harden caulk and other weather seals.  Inspect them now and repair and replace as needed. You’ll reduce your air-conditioning bill and could prevent water from entering your home and causing damage.  Clean and repair your window and door screens.  Trying to reduce your electric bills this summer?  At least parts of summer, and definitely during the spring, you can keep your house cool and fresh by opening windows.  Gently scrub on a flat surface with soapy water.  Also, check for small holes.
    5. Repair any cracked or peeling paint.  A good paint job makes your home look nice, while providing a protective barrier from the elements.  Touchup painting is easy to do and inexpensive.
    6. Drain your water heater by using the spigot near the bottom of the heater. Sediment builds up in your water heater tank, and by draining it, you’ll prolong its life and reduce your electric bill.
    7. Clean or replace your HVAC filters.  This needs to be done more often than once a year.  A dirty filter forces your HVAC system to work harder, which in turn drains your wallet, and could also shorten the life of your blower motor.
    8. Check the washing machine fill hose. Look for cracks that could become leaks.  A leaky hose under pressure can cause major damage in a short period of time.
    9. Vacuum or brush your refrigerator coils, located on the bottom or back of your refrigerator.  They conduct the hot air from inside the unit, and if they’re coated with dust, they do the job less efficiently and cause your fridge to work harder.  That means a higher electric bill for you.
    10. Replace the batteries in your smoke detectors – you never know when you’ll need them.  Sometimes, it’s a matter of life or death, so take the time to change the batteries now.
    11. Inspect the area around your AC compressor, and make sure to clear vegetation around it and prune any plant growth that could block it.  The compressor needs good airflow to work efficiently..
    12. Prepare your lawn mower for spring and summer.  Change the engine oil and sharpen the cutting blade.  You’ll lengthen the life of the mower and improve the look of your lawn.

Start planning now to take these crucial preventative measures – ones that will help you save on your utility bills and avoid big repairs later on.  Our team is always here for you, so if you need help with any repairs, improvements or with “springerizing” your home, feel free to let us know!

Call us today! 717-581-3474