To Move or Not to Move
As a homeowner, you want to feel like your home is a wonderful place, perfect in every sense! The reality for many people, however, is living in a home that is either outdated or limiting – with not enough storage or space.
If you feel you have outgrown your space, your options are to move, or to renovate and/or add an addition.
So, should you move into a bigger home, or remodel your current home?
There are pros and cons to both options, so here are some things to consider:
Your Budget
Start with looking at your budget to determine what’s financially feasible.
Remodeling can be a great investment and save you the financial and technical hassle of moving, and a trusted contractor can give you an estimate, so you know what to expect.
Buying a new home can be exciting and bring you what you need, as long as it’s comfortably within your budget, and you can find the type and size of home you wish you live in, in the right neighborhood, and when you need it. Selling a home and buying a new one typically takes time, and involves down payment, the payment of agent commissions, and the moving fees.
Your Needs
What are your current needs? Do you have a growing family? Are your kids back home, or are they going off to college in a few years?
Consider all the factors that can significantly impact your present and your future needs, so you can clearly determine if your current home can be fitting with renovations, updating, or if you’ll need to move to a larger space.
Your Current Home and Neighborhood
While moving to a new home may seem more instantly gratifying, there are likely so many things that you can change in your current house, which could be more cost-effective and less stressful than trying to hunt for something that could already have what you want.
It’s also important to be real and get the facts. Consult with a knowledgeable contractor to make sure you can alter your home the way you need to, such as move or remove certain walls, build an addition, etc. Take into consideration any zoning restrictions that would affect the remodel, as laws and regulations vary widely by area.
Also, think about the memories and the emotional connection you may have to your current home.
Consider the pros and cons of your current neighborhood; proximity to work, the school district, parks and shopping centers, and the overall look and feel of the neighborhood. Do you like your neighborhood, and would you miss the people, community, location, and familiarity?
There may be some things you just won’t be able to change about your current house, or your neighborhood, such as the size of your lot, needing to send your child to a specific school district, etc. If that is the case, you may need to look for a new home.
Remodeling your current home or moving to a new home will also impact your property taxes, and it’s good to keep that in mind.
Home Value
It’s good to have a real estate agent do an assessment of what the value of your home would be after a renovation and then compare that to what it would be for a house that’s big enough and good enough for what you need in a different neighborhood.
We hope these questions and considerations will provide a good insight to help you plan your home improvement projects.
If you decide to renovate your existing home, think about what the project involves – is this something you can tackle, or do you need a home improvement professional with the necessary equipment, expertise and resources to get the job done right?
If you want to enhance efficiency and value of your current property by remodeling or adding on to the existing layout, rely on Home One for quality home remodeling in Lancaster, PA.
Home remodels and renovations is something we absolutely love doing at Home One –let our experienced handymen and contractors help you find the solution that best fits the needs of you and your family.
Our skilled renovation contractors, Lancaster PA give each project their best!
Request a service/estimate or contact Home One to set up an appointment today at 717.581.3474.